Paper Raven Co. Blog
January 2024 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Week, full of reflection, cookies, Netflix and slow moments to relax. My husband and I took the week fully off from work to rest and recuperate from a busy and challenging 2023.
I wanted to create an illustration that had a bit of magic in it - that’s what we’re hoping for in the New Year. Please enjoy 2024’s first Desktop Wallpaper.
* To Receive the January Desktop Wallpaper, click on the graphic below! *
I'm always happy to see your new backgrounds over on Instagram - be sure to snap a pic and tag me!

June 2023 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
* To Receive the June Desktop Wallpaper, click on the image below! *
I'm always happy to see your new backgrounds over on Instagram - be sure to snap a pic and tag me!
I hope everything is blooming wherever you are!

May 2022 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
In Atlanta, the weather has turned full-on gorgeous. Daniel and I spent a few days in the mountains (pics below!) and I came back feeling so refreshed and aligned with my life priorities. In that sense, I wanted to create a joyful, exuberant illustration for this month - there is so much to anticipate! I love this time of year the most, and I hope you enjoy this month's wallpaper :)
* To Receive the May Desktop Wallpaper, click on the Graphic Below! *
I'm always happy to see your new backgrounds over on Instagram - be sure to snap a pic and tag me!
P.S. - Our Mother's Day Sale is still on until midnight tonight! Use code LOVEMYMOM to take 15% off at checkout!

Happy May!!
February 2022 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
My inspiration for this month's illustration was Pantone's Color of the Year: Very-Peri! I wanted to create an illustration that evoked the transition from winter to early Spring, and I hope you will enjoy it! ;) What do you think of Very-Peri? Are you a fan? It's growing on me!
* To receive the February 2022 Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Below:

February 2021 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
I hope you are having a great start to your month! This month, I just wanted to create something that was pretty, and something that made me happy. Sometimes that's enough! I hope you like this month's wallpaper as much as I do ;)
* To receive the February Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Below!
I love to see your setups! Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and tag me over on Instagram so I can give you a high-five (or high-elbow)!
Thank you all so much again.

January 2021 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper + Happy New Year!
Happy 2021, everyone! We made it!
A very big pat on the back to you for making it to the other side of 2020! While we're not walking through a portal today into a world free of problems, it does feel good to step into a New Year with a fresh attitude and hopeful mindset. We may still need to work to clear some hurtles, but with continued work and focus, I am hoping that this year we'll see a little more peace, magic, prosperity and love.
If you're a member of the community who has suffered a loss in 2020 - we see you. A New Year and all of its promise is exciting to celebrate, but it doesn't take away real hurts from the past year. Whether it's a loved one, your job or financial security, or your mental health, last year took a real and tangible toll and I just wanted to take a moment here to acknowledge that as well, and let you know we're thinking about you, and sending you thoughts for peace, renewal and joy in 2021.
* To receive the January Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Below *
I love to see your setups! Did you do any 2021 Refreshing or Reorganizing of your space? Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and tag me over on Instagram so I can give you a high-five (or high-elbow)!
Thank you all so much again.

October 2020 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
A short and sweet blurb about this month's illustration, because even before we're properly into the Fall Season, our Holiday prep at the Paper Raven Co. Studio is going at full steam!
I wanted to do a simple illustration to capture some of the Halloweenie things I look forward to this month! Halloween is my favorite holiday, and because we're not sure exactly how we're going to be celebrating this year, I wanted to at least celebrate with a sort-of spooky desktop wallpaper. Burning question: what was your BEST Halloween costume growing up?
* To receive the October Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Below!
I love to see your setup! Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and tag me over on Instagram. I would love if you'd share this with your friends.
Thank you all so much again.
Be well this month, remember that it's still important to have fun, to rest and to dream; and remember that life is bigger than difficult moments.
(Also please go vote early!)

September 2020 Desktop Wallpaper
For this month's illustration, I wanted to capture that between-season feeling. We're not really in Summer, and we're not really in Fall quite yet. It feels like we're between seasons in our lives right now too, and I think many can relate to that. We're waiting to exhale on so many aspects of life right now, but I'm confident that if we put one foot in front of the other, and keep moving forward with good intentions and open hearts, we will get to a better outcome for all. :) I also wanted to include mushrooms and butterflies in this month's wallpaper because we have so many in our yard right now!
To receive the September Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Above!
I love to see your setup! Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and tag me over on Instagram. I would love if you'd share this with your friends.
Thank you all so much again.
Stay strong, stay healthy and keep caring about each other.

July 2020 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
That said, the importance of resting and appreciating the simple joys of life has become a critical point of balance for many of us. I wanted to illustrate something that simply just made me happy, something that felt hopeful. Additionally, it was only fitting to focus on the color yellow this month: a color symbolizing awareness, education and new thought, mixed with optimism and hope for the future.
Thank you all so much again. I hope you have a wonderful month.

Earth Day 2020!
Happy Earth Day! Because of our commitment to Climate Action, this is a really meaningful day for us here at Paper Raven Co. As such, we wanted to celebrate by sharing a few small gifts with you - tokens of our appreciation for your support, if you will. Thank you to everyone who participated in our Instagram Stories Poll a few days ago! (We were voting between a Full-Color Printable Art Print, and a Coloring Page) The voting was soooo close, I decided to do both!
* Click the image below to receive a PDF of the Art Print and the Coloring Page!
I also want to remind everyone that we have a 15% Off Code for the Shop right now (Code: STAYHOME), plus Free Shipping for US Orders of $35+. Also, I promise to wash my hands before packing any and all orders! All orders still plant trees, and we donated 75 trees this morning in honor of Earth Day! Yay!!!

Thank you so much! I hope, wherever you are, that you're having wonderful weather so you can get out and enjoy our amazing planet!