January 2021 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper + Happy New Year!
Happy 2021, everyone! We made it!
A very big pat on the back to you for making it to the other side of 2020! While we're not walking through a portal today into a world free of problems, it does feel good to step into a New Year with a fresh attitude and hopeful mindset. We may still need to work to clear some hurtles, but with continued work and focus, I am hoping that this year we'll see a little more peace, magic, prosperity and love.
If you're a member of the community who has suffered a loss in 2020 - we see you. A New Year and all of its promise is exciting to celebrate, but it doesn't take away real hurts from the past year. Whether it's a loved one, your job or financial security, or your mental health, last year took a real and tangible toll and I just wanted to take a moment here to acknowledge that as well, and let you know we're thinking about you, and sending you thoughts for peace, renewal and joy in 2021.
* To receive the January Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Below *
I love to see your setups! Did you do any 2021 Refreshing or Reorganizing of your space? Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and tag me over on Instagram so I can give you a high-five (or high-elbow)!
Thank you all so much again.