Paper Raven Co. Blog
August 2024 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
Hey hey, friends! It’s August, and that means Leo Season 😎 ! I’m so excited because it is my birthday month! This August, I will be traveling a bit, hanging out in the AC away from the humidity and mosquitos, and enjoying a nice glass of wine on my bday. I hope you have a wonderful month ahead.
* To Receive the August Desktop Wallpaper, click on the Graphic below! *
I'm always happy to see your new backgrounds over on Instagram - be sure to snap a pic and tag me!

August 2023 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
* To receive the August Desktop Wallpaper, click on the graphic below! *
I hope you are savoring the last bits of Summer, and staying cool.
August 2022 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
Happy August! I am doing something a little different this month. These past few weeks have been packed for my schedule, and I am unexpectedly going to be away from my desk on the 1st for family reasons. So, I am re-issuing one of our most popular August illustrations for this month. I know some of you who have been receiving these for awhile might be disappointed to get one you already have enjoyed (it's from 2018 though, so *quite* a while back - rest assured I updated the dates for 2022), but I am hoping you will all understand that my family needs to come first this month ;) It's been a pleasure to share these monthly wallpapers with you since 2017 (5 years!) without a repeat, so I hope you will still enjoy this month's wallpaper, and in September we will be back with some fresh toasty content :)
* To Receive the August Desktop Wallpaper, click on the Graphic Below! *
I'm always happy to see your new backgrounds over on Instagram - be sure to snap a pic and tag me!
August 2021 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. We are busy with house projects and all of the details that come with planning our wedding :) ! This month's illustration is a quick tribute to all of the greenery that comes in the month of August. Hope you enjoy!
* To receive the August Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic Below:
I love to see your setups! Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and tag me over on Instagram so I can give you a high-five!
Have a wonderful month, everyone!

August 2020 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
and that's quite an accomplishment.
I really wanted to focus this month's illustration on intentions. What are you seeking this month? Rest from the uncertainty of the world and the future? Peace for ourselves when everything seems so divided? Recognition of the real issues we're fighting to resolve? Or perhaps you're seeking Positivity as a way to move forward through this time. Maybe it's Resources to grow your passions so you can contribute to this world in a meaningful way. Maybe it's simply a moment to catch your breath. Whatever you're seeking this month, I hope that you read these words and take comfort in them... that the more we spend our energy on creating the new, the more quickly we'll see those changes in our lives. Take a moment today to say them out loud, and put them out into the Universe. She hears you :)
To receive the August Desktop Wallpaper, please click on the Graphic below.
I'd love to hear what your thoughts are and what you're seeking this month. Take a snap of your space with your new wallpaper, and let me know over on Instagram.
Thank you all so much again.
Stay strong, stay healthy and keep caring about each other.

August 2019 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper
For August, I wanted something that captured the late sunny afternoons and waning days of summer, and I thought sunflowers would be perfect. I hope you like them!
* Click on the image above to download the Desktop Wallpaper.
If you like these, I would love if you'd share a snap of your space with the newest wallpaper with me, and I will be reposting them on my Instagram Stories!
Thank you so much!

It's My Birthday Month! August 2018
Happy August! This month is my birthday month, and I'll be turning 32 on August 8th! I wanted to create an extra-special desktop wallpaper for you this month, that captures the feeling of warm summer nights in the backyard - because that's how I've been spending the last few months. We've even seen some fireflies, which is one of my fav childhood memories.
^^^ Click on the graphic above to receive the August 2018 Illustrated Desktop Wallpaper. ^^^
* Please note! I work very hard on these as a monthly gift, so please be respectful of my work by only using the wallpaper for personal enjoyment, and tagging me when sharing! Thank you guys for being so supportive and awesome!
If you like these, please tell your friends about it, and tag me on Instagram with a pic of your desktop in your feed or stories, and I'll be sharing them on my Stories :)
AND, because it's my birthday, we will be having a sitewide Birthday Sale from now until August 8th (my bday!). Take 20% off your order of $15+ using the code BIRTHYAY! More details below! The sale starts now!
Warmly, Erin
Happy August! It's my birthday month! *confetti*
Hey, Happy August 1st! I'm particularly excited about this month because it's my birthday month yasssss! For this month's Desktop Wallpaper, I drew inspiration from all of the wonderfully overgrown plants on my balcony. It's been one of those great summers where it thunderstorms every afternoon (my favorite, not my dog's), perpetually smells like rain, and the plants have just been exploding. It's awesome. I sketched this in our sunroom with the door open and the smell of basil flooding in, while my sweet Patty was sunbathing in her corner of the balcony - it's a peaceful memory, I hope that comes through in the final illustration. Click the image below to download it!
I would love to see your desktop or studio space if you use the wallpaper, so feel free to snap a photo and tag me on Instagram so I can see and give you high-fives. Bonus points if you hoard plants like I do. I really need to make a "Plant Lady is the New Cat Lady" Art Print, yea?
Thank you guys so much!
xoxo, Erin