Welcome December!
Happy December! We had a blast over Thanksgiving and the Holiday Weekend! Thank you so so much for Shopping Small. When you Shop Small, you aren't giving a CEO their 2nd vacation home, you're helping a family buy groceries, you're helping a business owner save to invest in new products, and (in my case) helping a fur-momma pay for a needed surgery for her puppy, Patty (who is recovering like a champ!). Your support really, really makes a difference, and I want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who supported Small Businesses last weekend. We love you, you are literally making our dreams come true. If that's not good karma, I don't know what is.
Now, on to the Wallpaper! Click the image below to get the Wallpaper.
And be sure to check out the work in progress shot and follow along on Instagram! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!